Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Welcome to the new blog for the American artist Vernon Howe Bailey!
Bailey was born in Camden, New Jersey in 1874 and lived until 1953. Interested in art at a young age, he studied at the Pennsylvania Museum School of Art in Philadelphia. He joined the art staff of the Philadelphia Times in 1892 and the Boston Herald in 1894. Bailey traveled extensively throughout his life and gained inspiration from the places he visited. In 1917 he was the first artist to draw Navy yards, gunships, and munition plants. After traveling to Spain in 1921 he created drawings and watercolors of landscapes. In 1925 he published a book of over 150 drawings. Bailey was so captivated by Spain that Merry del Val, the former Spanish Ambassador to Great Britain wrote that Bailey's work "tells more of Spain and her spirit than a hundred volumes." Bailey's best known work are his pencil sketches of London, his watercolor paintings of Spain, and his drawings of skyscrapers in New York City. One of Bailey's goals was to "see great events and make pictures of them."

This blog will chronicle the history of Bailey's drawings and their locations. Be it New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut or New York State, Bailey's drawings tell a story of simpler times. Learn and explore with us as we go back in time and see the world through Bailey's eyes!

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