Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bailey's Backstory

Vernon Howe Bailey traveled extensively throughout his life, and in 1907 he visited Paris, London, Italy, and Germany as a special staff artist for Harper's Magazine. He then traveled to Spain in 1925 and visited small towns and cities, all the while painting and drawing. His collection of artwork, including over 150 drawings, was published into a book entitled "Little Know Towns of Spain." The book received a royal decree of thanks from King Alphonso XIII of Spain, and including the following write-up:

"At a meeting, in Paris, of Agnacio Zuloaga and Vernon Howe Bailey, Senor Zuloga having highly complimented Mr. Bailey on his work in Spain said, 'But when I saw your book of watercolors and drawings of Spain, I was angry with you, for you have disclosed to the world the names of Spanish towns of which I hoped it would never learn, for the tourists will spoil them and gone will be their true character, and the life and the old costumes I have loved to paint will have vanished. Within fifteen years Spain will have been spoiled for me.'"

Another significant moment in Bailey's life was when he was honored with being the only artist permitted to draw the Pope's private apartments. Bailey spent a year on this project and was given the freedom to choose whatever subject or composition he desired. This collection included over 100 drawings and was exhibited in the American Art Asso-Anderson Galleries in New York.

Bailey was given amazing opportunities throughout his life because of his incredible talent, and in this picture we see him hard at work while in Italy.

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